Why aren't we humans?

A personal view into the society and the so called socail being.

In today’s context saying, ‘I am social’ might have a double meaning. A person clicks a selfie of EIFFEL tower and a person standing here in front of telecom's tower recieves it. Technological era. Now, we have to think, at least we have to ask ourselves whether we are using technology or technology using us. Can we stay out of it? Can we shut it down? I feel 'no', after all we are social. Which one is slave of other?

Everybody will say; ‘yes, I am’, if somebody asks them “are you social?”. Question is; What kind of socail? What is important and why is important?

I have a different answer though, "I am becoming more like social." So here is also a question to think about, what kind of social, 'I am becoming', the one that my society needs or the kind my society accepts. I believe it’s impossible to become what my society need because desire has no limits, no boundaries. What can we do is, “I am becoming more like social”, we should try to tends towards that position and may be at some point we will be able to replace this word tends.

When I was at school we had a subject named social studies. But I can’t remember properly what kinds of things I studied, it has something to do with history, geography etc. and I believe we were misguided, the things that should be taught were missing and nobody cares about that. The definition of 'social' was changed, I also admit that history and geography was not only the content but things that were most important were left behind. Why?

I haven’t seen what does oxford says about ‘social’ because, i have a question here; does it a necessity? Well, we all have different perception and that is what we all must have. It makes us what we are. Real. For a moment, let’s forget about what oxford says about being social, what some others thing says about it, let’s redefine it, let’s rewrite it. If we are not going to do it right here, right now then no one ever could.

My mind is always occupied by a question, ‘why do we live in society/why do we have society? Just because we are social or we are social because we live in society?’. The reality is we live in society though we are not social and we are social still we don’t live in society. There is a gap between these two things ‘society and social’ that we don’t see. It is a line within which ‘humanity’ lies and we are not seeing it. Why we are not seeing it, because 'we are busy.' We are busy doing our stuff own way, no one cares what's going on because that is not part of my duty. I am a science teacher and what I have to do is teaching, I have to teach science. It is only what matters to me. I feel the same way, I am a human and for me what maters is humanity. Rest of the things I don't see at all. I am blind, a kind of blind who sees humanity within the lonley forest (darkness). A hope within the darkness. A will to change even if everybody is saying no. When we can't see, how can we see those gaps, and when we don't see those gaps we see no 'humanity', we know nothing, we know only one thing and that is; to be social. And we are very good at it. “Humanity will rise till humans are there to shine but I doubt dogs are showing humanity and men are not.” The first thing is I am a human, it does not matter where did I came from, what did I inherit, which god do I pray, what beliefs do I follow, I am human first and humanity resides within.

And again there is also a gap between humans and humanity, it’s called civilization (morals values). From where it all started. Our origin. And now as we have evolved enough we are forgetting our origin. So i have a dobut, did we evolved enough to forget that space which gave us so much room to create what we wished. And now i wonder for what we have created. As our dreams have come true. Let's be human so that we could fixed, so that we could reshape, our present and future. I am a 'human' first because something called 'humanity' is with me, a specific property. I am 'human' that is why I am 'civilized' (civil) and I live in society so I am called 'social.' But the biggest question is are we 'human?' Let's think about it. Until we didn’t have answer to this question we cannot say whether we are 'social' or not. "I am human because I am civilized and why I am civilized because I am human. Originally. If I am not civilized then I am not human, and when I am not human I am not civilized. So if I want to become a human I must be civilized. And how can I be civilized well, for this I need to be human. I need to become human." "If I am not civilized, I am not human and I have no society so I cannot be called so called 'social'. So we need to ask ourselves whether I am human or not whether I am civil or not." But worst part is we are not 'social' that 'social' which our society needs, because we can never be human and why we cannot be human because we can never be civilized. I don’t need to put any examples to prove how we are not civil, how we are not human (think yourself). But still I would like to call myself social though I may not be civil, though I may not be human.I am social. I love being social.

I don’t need to put any examples to prove how we are not civil, how we are not human (think yourself). But still I would like to call myself social though I may not be civil, though I may not be human.I am social. I love being social.